
Transformer Sampling

Beacon has completed transformer sampling and removal on over a dozen sites across the State of Maine.  Our relationship with USEPA and disposal contractors make it more efficient to dispose of transformers and associated PCB-related waste.  Call us today!


Dry Cleaners

Beacon has the expertise needed to complete investigations on dry cleaners.  Our owner has completed investigations on over two dozen dry cleaners across the State of Maine.  We can work with you and the MEDEP to develop a work plan that is comprehensive but also budget conscious.  Put our skills to work for you.


Bucksport Phase II ESA

Beacon oversaw the installation of three bedrock wells, seven Geoprobe borings and completed four soil gas and one ambient air sample at a mystery TCE plume Site.  We are assisting in attempting to determine the source of the TCE and develop a remediation strategy.


Trailside C-Store, Hamlin, Maine

Beacon was awarded a contract by the MEDEP to complete a subsurface investigation at a former convenience store in Hamlin, Maine.  Petroleum contamination was known to be present and a soil removal was begun in December 2016 but weather and water forced the soil removal to be ceased.  In order to better quantify the amount of contaminated soil left on-site, we completed 25 soil borings in one day and collected six soil samples and three groundwater samples.  Call us for


Veteran’s Memorial Bridge Sampling

As part of another bridge repainting project, Beacon was called in to complete soil sampling prior to the commencement of blasting activities for the Veteran’s Memorial Bridge in Lewiston, Maine.  We did the sampling on a Saturday to meet the schedule of our client.  We are always willing to work around other’s schedules.  The bridge will look great once it is repainted!