
Oversight of Impacted Soil Removal

Beacon was subcontracted to oversee the excavation and placement of soils at a self storage facility in Brunswick, Maine. We provided oversight and closure of the removal action to allow for the construction of a roadway to allow better access to the units.


Vapor Intrusion Sampling

Beacon completes vapor intrusion and indoor air sampling to document potential impacts from petroleum and hazardous materials. We have completed air sampling for private clients, MEDEP, and municipalities across the State of Maine. Call us with all of your sampling needs.


Rail Tie Removal

Beacon was contracted by the MEDEP to oversee the removal of railroad ties and restoration of a piece of abandoned property located in Hermon, Maine. Over the course of one month, approximately 1,125 tons of discarded rail ties, approximately 8 tons of scrap metal, and 0.5 ton of tires were removed from the property. Once the materials were removed, the site was regraded and grass seed and hay were placed on the property.


Maectite Amendment of Dredge Spoils

Beacon was contracted to oversee the amending of lead-contaminated dredge spoils in Southwest Harbor, Maine.  We developed a work plan for the MEDEP to review and comment and received their approval.  Over the course of four days, Beacon oversaw the placement of impacted soils into a rolloff container and mixed with Maectite liquid to bind the lead to the soil making it unleachable and non-hazardous in accordance with USEPA TCLP analysis.  The soils will be disposed of at a licensed


Site Investigation of a Former Portland Bangor Waste Oil Site

Beacon was selected by the MEDEP to complete an environmental investigation on a former waste oil site in Presque Isle. Over the course of two days Beacon oversaw the completion of test pits, Geoprobe borings, groundwater sampling, and drinking water well sampling. The investigation was designed to assist the MEDEP in determining the extents of the impacts on the property in preparation for a large scale soil removal.